The Comfort Zone

3 min readMay 1, 2019

This blog feels like home to me now. And this blog post, will address something similar to that.

First off, I GRADUATED OH MY GOODNESS I JUST, nah man I still haven’t come to terms with it. But you know what they say- let your mind take its own sweet time to absorb things. Of course, you might lag behind a bit, but haste has NEVER given good results. Trust me.
So I’m going to let my mind take its time. Let it take in every aspect of this milestone. Let it linger in some places, and brush past the others. It’s okay. Sometimes flowers don’t bloom immediately and that’s okay. Sometimes leaves take a while to unfurl and it’s okay. Your mind is a part of nature and nature does not possess a fixed time limit for everything.

If you’re wondering, yes I absolutely adore Bob Ross and his words may have made me cry because of its warmth. (His words may also have influenced this part of the blog post, but shhh)

Seriously though, if you haven’t watched Bob Ross’ videos, just, go. Watch. Cry. Drown yourself in the comfort of his words. Much love.

Now that we’ve digressed enough, let’s talk about comfort zones. I’ve often come across people who take time to open up. Who prefer guarding themselves and their hearts. Who are usually just, cold. UNTIL, you are qualified enough to enter their comfort zone. And then you realise that the said person is actually quite different.

But then, this idea of having a comfort zone is not limited to a certain set of people. Everyone has a comfort zone. And everyone has their own representative of their comfort zone.

(Fun game: Take a shot everytime I say “comfort zone”. A shot of water. Stay hydrated)

My way of being comfortable with someone is, believe it or not, being able to argue or debate with them. Or at least, put forward a contradicting opinion. I’ve always, otherwise, let go off of such discussions, preferring to stay silent. It’s weird. I don’t have problems opening up. But I can’t seem to put forward personal opinions in discussions unless I’m REALLY comfortable with the people around. It’s not just limited to groups. Even if it’s a one-to-one discussion, and I’m not comfortable with the person, I’d just pull the “listener stance”, have my thoughts jumbled up not bothering to untangle them, and just, scoot away from there.

Sheesh I know it sounds bad. I should be arguing. I should be debating. But, I can’t. I just can’t. I can’t bring myself to form a coherent sentence.

Is it even worth it though?

I would love to hear from you. How do you determine if you’re comfortable with someone or not? How do you portray comfort? Is your comfort zone turning into a hindrance? Are you doing something about it? Did I actually digress while talking about taking one’s own time? Let me know 🙂

Originally published at on May 1, 2019.




I tend to ponder and reflect a lot, but I can hardly talk. This blog is a result of my life reflections.